Date: May 16-18, 2024
Enjoy a Home Mission trip to Camp Shipshewana. Come all three days, a day or so, or a few hours. Lodging available. Some meals provided. Tasks for all ages & skill levels.
Seeking To Serve! Join us at Camp Shipshewana for the Spring Volunteers Retreat. Come all 3 days or a day, or a few hours. Recruit your church family/friends. Make it a Home Mission Trip.
Tasks / Goals:
1. Brush Clean Up
2. Install lakefront pier
3. Install several sections of privacy fence
4. Bathhouse interior demolition
5. Re-roof a small cabin
6. Landscape a small cabin
7. Wash/sanitize interior of a small cabin
1. Clean out a storage area
2. Cut up down trees/brush for firewood
3. Paint a bldg
4. Install pier at lakefront
5. Clean winter debris
6. Patch water inflatables
7. Re-roof / repair shed on Horseshoe Acres
8. Install / replace split cedar fence
9. Repair / create two flower beds
Lodging & Food Servive ate FREE w/ RSVP by May 10th.
Questions / RSVP – contact Rick Miller, Executive Director @ 260.336.2470